Flugplatz Wels Flugplatzstraße 1 - Flugplatz Wels

22 Aug. - 25 Aug. 2025 | 08:00 Startet in 162 Tag(en)
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Event activities:

Please note: the registration for the BRP-Rotax company tours and test flights take place on site (no pre-registration possible)

Friday – August 22, 2025:

  • until noon/12:00 pm: Arrival at the location
  • 12:00 pm - 02:00 pm: Lunch
  • 01:00 pm – 02:45 pm: BRP-Rotax company tours (sturdy footwear required)
  • 01:00 pm - 05:00 pm: Promotion and test flights with Rotax Engines 915iS, 916iS
  • 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm: Connect with our exhibitors & partners in hands-on workshops
  • 05:15 pm – 09:00 pm: Dinner

Saturday – August 23, 2025:

  • 07:00 am – 10:00 am: Breakfast (for campers only)
  • 09:00 am – 02:15 pm: BRP-Rotax company tours (sturdy footwear required)
  • 12:00 pm - 02:00 pm: Lunch
  • 01:00 pm - 05:00 pm: Promotion and test flights with Rotax Engines 915iS, 916iS
  • 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm: Connect with our exhibitors & partners in hands-on workshops
  • 05:15 pm – 09:00 pm: Dinner
  • DJ music open end

Sunday – August 24, 2025:

  • 07:00 am - 10:00 am: Breakfast (for campers only)
  • Departure

Further activities and details will be announced soon.
Stay tuned and follow us on our Social Media channels for updates.


More informations and registration:


Standort des Flugplatz Wels Event

Veranstaltungsort Informationen - Flugplatz Wels

Fliegerclub Weisse Möwe Wels
Flugplatzstraße 1
4600 Wels

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